Outdoor Meets

We have one of the best outdoor meet lists of any London Mountaineering club, normally holding at least two outdoor meets per calendar month, on the weekends following the indoor social meets on 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month, plus weekends adjoining public holidays, with meets covering the whole of the UK and (occasionally) beyond.

Forthcoming Outdoor Meets can be viewed in the table below

Members can download a copy of the current Outdoor Meet list from the Members Area page.

Members can suggest venues / locations for outdoor meets by contacting the Outdoor Meets Secretary – Mr Bernie Ingrams

The club policy for fuel & mileage costs for outdoor meets can be found here

Forthcoming Outdoor Meets

DateRegionLocation / Hut / Campsite
14th or 15th DecSE EnglandChristmas walk / pub lunch
10th - 12th JanSnowdoniaLondon MC hut
24th - 27th JanLake DistrictK Fellfarers High House (Haggis meet)
15th or 15th FebTBALocal day meet
28th Feb - 2nd MarchLake DistrictGeorge Starkey Hut (annual dinner)
15th or 16th MarchLocalDay meet TBA
28th - 30th MarchSnowdoniaLancashire MC hut, Beddgelert
12th or 13th AprilTBALocal day meet
17th - 21st AprilTBAEaster weekend
26th or 27th AprilTBALocal day meet
2nd - 5th MayWye ValleyBeeches Farm Campsite
Week long meet in MaySW IrelandTBA
17th or 18th MayTBALocal day meet
23rd - 26th MaySnowdoniaBryan Tyrch Campsite
30th May - 1st JuneSwanageToms Field Campsite
14th or 15th JuneTBALocal day meet
27th - 29th JuneSouthern SnowdoniaThe Mountain Club (Stafford Hut)
11th - 13th JulyTBACamp
25th - 27th JulyTBACamp
15th - 17th AugTBACamp
22nd - 25th AugTBACamp
12th - 14th SeptTBACamp
26th - 28th SeptTBACamp
10th - 12th OctPeak District Derbyshire Pennine Club
24th - 26th OctLake DistrictYorkshire Ramblers Club